Weekly Principal's Message

September 18, 2023

Hello Bronco Families, 

I hope your day was wonderful and full of joy!  There is a little less happening this week, but a lot of information in this update, so I’ll get to it!

Intersession Update: MUSD & MMS have made changes to student supports (known as “Intersession”) on the 2023-2024 MUSD calendar during the weeks of 10/10, 2/20, & 4/3. Originally these weeks were targeted as a week of student support with small groups of students & teachers targeting specific learning targets on campuses (much like a Summer School format).  These weeks will now shift to times when no students will be on campus.  All MUSD campuses will shift support & resources to after-school targeted student support after regular school days. Each school site will target specific approaches that complement staff opportunities and student needs.  MUSD will take full advantage of the “intersession” weeks on the calendar.  Specific maintenance projects will take place.  Teaching and support staff will be able to rest, recharge, and reflect during these times.  

MMS will continue with the after-school tutoring program that has already started, but will add more times throughout the year. You will be updated on those added times when they happen.

MMS #1 Student: At last week’s MUSD board meeting I was honored to recognize Jack Harper as the middle school’s #1 student for September.  Jack is always kind to fellow classmates and his teachers had amazing things to say about him.  Congratulations, Jack!

Leadership Water Bottle Competition: All students, please bring in as many new water bottles as you can this week! (Single bottles, cases…we take it all!)  We use these waters for dances and events throughout the school year.  The winning class will receive an ice cream sundae party on September 27th.

Sports Update: Coaching positions for the following sports (basketball, wrestling, track, and softball) or posted on EdJoin.  Here is the link to job postings.  Also, while I’m sharing about employment opportunities, there is a campus security position available that we are in need of filling. If you know anyone who would love to apply, please pass this information along.

Golf: Students interested in playing on the golf team will have a meeting at 12:15 pm this Wednesday, September 20th in the library.

Introduction to Martial Arts Information: Middletown Middle School is hosting an Introduction to Martial Arts Class for all students. The class will be taught by Dan Tyrrell, owner of Tyrrell Martial Arts. The cost of the class is $20 and Mr. Tyrrell has offered to donate that money back to our MMS PTSO. If there is a hardship in your home and your student would like to participate, please reach out to Erin Dorman. Students may pick up permission slips in the front office at any time.

MHS Floral Club: If you would like to support the MHS FFA Floral Club, you may become a member!  The students make beautiful flower arrangements each month.  Please visit the link to print your order form and join.  MHS Floral Club link https://middletownffa.com/floral-club.php 

Mrs. Jessen & the MMS Drama Department are in need of parents with skills &  talents in construction and/or woodworking to help build the set for our fall play.  If you are willing and able to contribute advice, assistance, or supplies to help build the set, please contact Mrs. Jessen at joleen.jessen@middletownusd.org.

Things you might need links to

Bus Schedules-AM Bus Schedule  + PM Bus Schedule  

District Calendar

Upcoming Events


September 21st @6pm

MUSD Board Workshop in the MMS/MHS Multi-Use Room

September 25th @4pm

Volleyball game @ MMS vs. Terrace Middle School

Games are $3 per adult and $1 per student.  A concession stand will be available.

September 27th @4pm

Volleyball game @ MMS vs. Obsidian Middle School

Games are $3 per adult and $1 per student.  A concession stand will be available.

October 2nd-5th after school-details to come

Intro to Martial Arts by Dan Tyrrell

October 4th@4:30pm

Volleyball game @ MMS vs. Lucerne

Games are $3 per adult and $1 per student.  A concession stand will be available.

October 9th-13th

Intersession Week-No School

October 17th

Site Council - 3:30 pm

PTSO - 4:00 pm

October 27th + 28th

MMS Drama Performance (more information to follow)